Development of modern front-end applications
- overview and similarities of React, Angular, Vue.js
- declarative rendering
- components – defining custom HTML tags
- using create-react-app to initialize a React project
Modern JavaScript
- developing using node.js and npm
- JavaScript versions
- working with modules
- functions and arrow functions
- classes
- functional programming in JavaScript (map, filter, …)
- static vs dynamic typing
- declaring types of variables, functions and classes
- basic data types
- tuples, objects
- interfaces
- generics
React template language
- JavaScript-based template language: JSX
- setting element properties
- repeating elements
- if / else
- events
- CSS classes and styles
Managing state in React
- setting and changing the application state
- using the state hook and setState
- capturing the content of input elements in the state
Components: Building blocks of modern web applications
- defining custom HTML tags in React
- state, props & events
- data flow between components
- function components and class components
- using hooks in function components
- component lifecycle events (mount, update, unmount)
- including predefined components from a library
State management with Redux
- Redux basics: state mangment with pure functions, reducers and immutable data
- using the reducer hook in React
- integrating Redux into a React application
- presentational and container components
- the Redux ecosystem
- handling asynchronous events with Thunk
- fetching data from a REST API
Developer tools and testing
- React developer tools
- Redux developer tools
- Testing JavaScript with Jest
- Testing reducers
- Testing React components
React Router
- client-side routing
- displaying different views based on the current browser route
App development with React
- short overview of React Native
- creating an installable mobile and desktop application with Progressive Web Apps
- comparison of Progressive Web Apps and native apps