Super Short Introduction
- Binding Variables
- Build-in directives and their scope
- Data entry
- Scope and rootScope
- Collections
- Controllers
- Services
- Filters
Angular Patterns
- Factories
- Services
- IoC
MVC in depth
- Angular MVC
- Fat controler vs fat model and consequences
- Creating own controllers
- Different ways of dependency injections
- Minifying and consequences of using paramer names
- Creating menus
- Modifying url
- HTML5 history object
Directive Development
- creating own directives
- managing associated controlers
- creating own module with directives
- animation controls in custom directives
REST Services
- Using web services
- Ajax
- Angular and CSS3
- ngAnimate
Mobile Design in Agnular
- Responsible
- Separate version fo mobile
- Unit Testing
- Available frameworks
- Karma
- Testing Controllers
- Dependency Injection in testing
- BDD Testing
- Available frameworks
- Jasmine
- E2E (End to End Testing) testing
- WebdriverJS
- Protractor
- Continous Integration with Angular
Bigger enviornment
- Backend interactions with MEAN stack
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Streaming with gulpjs