In this course, we will guide you through all the important steps of creating your first online business and making it a profitable one! This course is specifically designed for people who have absolutely no programming experience but want to start an online business.
We will begin by taking you through all the e-commerce basics, helping you understand what makes a good and a bad site, giving you an overview of the kind of sites you can build and run, teaching you how to build site content and keep it updated, and introducing you to the key ingredients of product pages and how to optimize them for search engines.

Learning Outcome
After completing this workshop you will be able to:
• Build your own, fully functional e-commerce website.
• Learn how to market your website and drive customer traffic to it using
Social Media.
Understanding E-Commerce
Why Is This Important?
Benefits of E-Commerce
The E-Commerce Environment
Unique Challenges to E-Commerce
Apply Your Learning
Set-up your own Domain Name & Hosting (Payment required)
Downloading and Installing e-Commerce Frameworks
Set up important Store Parameters, incl. Shipping Modules, cart Modules
Upload your own initial Products
Working with different Payment methods
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