Getting Started
- Setup web2py
- Overview
- Startup
- Simple Examples
- Admin
- App Admin
- The core
- Command Line Options
- Workflow
- Dispatching
- Libraries
- Applications
- Accessing API from Python Modules
- request
- response
- session
- cache
- HTTP and Redirection
- Internationalization
- Application Init
- URL rewrite
- Running tasks in the background
- web2py scheduler
- Third party modules
- Execution environment
- Cooperation
- Logging
- The views
- Basic Syntax
- HTML helpers
- Built-in helpers
- Custom Helpers
- Server-side DOM and parsing
- Page Layout
- Functions in views
- Blocks in views
- The database abstraction layer
- Dependencies
- The DAL: A quick tour
- Using the DAL “stand-alone”
- DAL constructor
- Table constructor
- Field Constructor
- Migrations
- Fixing broken migrations
- Migration control summary
- insert
- commit and rollback
- Raw SQL
- drop
- Indexes
- Legacy databases and keyed tables
- Distributed transaction
- More on uploads
- Query, Set, Rows
- select
- Other methods
- Computed Fields
- Virtual Fields
- One to many relations
- Many to Many
- list: and contains
- other operators
- Generating raw sql
- Exporting and importing data
- Caching selects
- Self-Reference and aliases
- Advanced features
- Gotchas
- Forms and validators
- Other types of forms
- Custom Forms
- Validators
- Widgets
- SQLFORM.grid and SQLFORM.smartgrid
- grid and smartgrid access control
- smartgrid plurals
- Emails and SMS
- Setting up email
- Sending emails
- Sending SMS messages
- Using the template system to generate messages
- Sending messages using a background task
- Reading and managing email boxes (Experimental)
- Access Control
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Central Authentication Service
- Services
- Rendering a dictionary
- Remote procedure calls
- Low level API and other recipes
- Restful web services
- Services and Authentication
- jQuery and Ajax
- web2py_ajax.html
- jQuery effects
- The Ajax function
- Components and Plugins
- Components, LOAD and Ajax
- Plugins
- Deployement Recipes
- Deployment: development and production
- Deployment recipes: Infrastructure
- Other Recipes
- Upgrading
- How to distribute your applications as binaries
- Developing with IDEs: WingIDE, Rad2Py, Eclipse and PyCharm
- SQLDesigner
- Publishing a folder
- Functional testing
- Building a minimalist web2py
- Fetching an external URL
- Pretty dates
- Geocoding
- Pagination
- httpserver.log and the Log File Format
- Populating database with dummy data
- Accepting credit card payments
- Dropbox API
- Streaming virtual files