Introduction and Overview
The what and why of business process re-engineering (BPR)
- Maximising competitive advantage through radical redesign
- The need for re-engineering
- Determining what re-engineering is and is not
- Focusing on the business process
- Achieving cost reduction and revenue generation goals
Applying the proven CLAMBRE/UML framework for re-engineering
- Modelling standards: UML and BPMN
- Customers vs. stakeholders
- Identifying activities and information structure
- Creative right-brain thinking
Targeting the Customer
Exploring the customer interface
- Expanding customer roles with aggregation
- Refining customer types using generalisation
- Establishing an accurate customer profile
Documenting customer values and needs
- Service provision vs. product supply
- Evaluating customer satisfaction: quality, flexibility, speed, cost, service
- Categorising customer relationships using the PRIDE checklist
- Assessing how effectively the business process meets customer needs
Modelling the Business Process
Pinpointing processes for re-engineering
- Uncovering core business processes
- Choosing suitable metrics to assess process performance
- Detecting business process antipatterns
- Presenting findings to senior management
Describing worker roles and responsibilities
- Identifying anomalies in worker roles using cross-reference matrices
- Mapping a business process using UML activity diagrams
- Partitioning activities between roles
Analysing the Business Process
Detailing business processes
- Selecting appropriate UML tools
- Scoping the process with UML use case diagrams
- Pinpointing key business actors
- Modelling alternative workflows
- Capturing ineffective business activities
Exploring the business structure
- Revisiting organisation infrastructure
- Mapping information using class diagrams
- UML business stereotypes
- Designating process architecture with communication diagrams
- Removing restrictive structures
Redesigning the Business Process
Maximising the benefits of information technology
- Web-enabled technology
- Interaction through social spaces
- Designing future-proof business systems
- Business intelligence solutions
- Enterprise Information Systems
Redefining customer-process boundaries
- Adapting the business process to benefit specific customer types
- Integrating and capitalising on technology opportunities
- Personalising the process
- Meeting and exceeding customer expectations
Creating the new process using the best business practice
- Incorporating business patterns
- Resolving process anomalies
- Comparing strategic alternatives
- Ensuring durable, reliable information management
Rolling Out the Re-engineered Process
- Re-educating the workforce
- Linking metrics with customer satisfaction
- Supporting ongoing process improvement
- Monitoring and measuring results
- Demonstrating success