Development environment
- Development environment requirements
- Xcode and the iOS SDK
- Apple Developer Registration
- Reasons why Applications get rejected
- Human Interface Guidelines
Xcode iOS Projects
- Overview of Xcode
- Creating an iOS project
- Running on simulator and real device
Adaptive Layout
- Storyboards
- Multiple Device Support
- Icon Sizing and Device Orientation
- UI Components
- Building a User Interface
- Swift programming language overview
- Variables, constants and data types
- Language constructs
- Using Xcode to develop Swift applications
- Playground
Swift Classes and Scenes
- Creating Swift classes
- Instance variables and initialisation
- Memory management
- Strong and weak references
- Constructor types
- Protocols, Hashable and Printable
- Inheritance
- Creating Scenes
- Implementing View Controllers
- Outlets and Actions
Working with Graphics
- Adding icons and images
- Using the SpriteKit API
- Animating Sprites
User Interaction
- Buttons and handlers
- Pan gesture recognition
- Tap gesture recognition
Multiple Screen Applications
- Table Navigation
- Tabbed Applications
- Navigation Controllers
Location Services
- Position and Altitude
- Compass Direction
Device Access and Storage
- File Storage
- Music Library Access
- SQLite Database Access
- Bluetooth API
- Centrals
- Peripherals
Speech Framework
- Speech to text
- Text to Speech
- Network Access
- Serialising and Deserialising JSON
- REST Web Services