Photogrammetry Overview
- What is photogrammetry?
- Methods, integration, applications, and software
Pix4D and Photogrammetry
- Pix4Dmapper
- Pix4Dsurvey
- Pix4Dreact
- Pix4Dbim
- Pix4Dfields
- Pix4Dengine
- Pix4Dcapture
- Pix4Dmodel
Coordinate Systems and GPS
- Mathematical model of Earth
Preparing the Development Environment
- Installing and configuring Pix4D
Flight Planning, Execution, and Image Capture
- Using Nadir and Oblique for image capture
- Marking GPS way points and boundary points
- Creating image capture flight plans and multiple capture flight plans
- Working with flight parameters
Pix4D Desktop
- Using Pix4Dcapture
- Loading data
- Creating a project and a high-precision project
- Splitting and merging projects
- Processing templates
- Creating reports
- Producing a 3D texture
- Uploading to the cloud
Summary and Conclusion