1. Introduction to system monitoring and Grafana
- Concepts of telemetry
- Push- and pull-based telemetry
- Sampling, data retention and downsampling
- Grafana and datasources
2. Details of Grafana
- Grafana installation
- Accessing Grafana
- Creating first dashboard
- Dashboards, rows and panels
- Timerange selector
- Relative time and Time shift
3. Data sources
- Prometheus architecture
- Installing Prometheus
- Accessing Prometheus web interface
- Installing node_exporter
- Getting metrics
- Querying Prometheus
- Scraping metrics to Prometheus
- Graphite architecture
- Installing Graphite
- Feeding Graphite
- Adding data sources to Grafana
4. Deep dive into Grafana panels
- Graph
- Singlestat
- Gauge
- Bargauge
- Heatmap
- Textpanel
- Tablepanel
- Dashboard list
- Plugin panels
- Manipulating panels
5. Annotations and alerting
- Annotations
- Alerts
- Alert list panel
- E-mail and other ways of alert notifications
6. Explore and variables
- Explore functionality
- Templating with variables
- Dynamic panels based on variables
7. Loki – Grafana log aggregation system
- Loki overview
- Installation
- Exploring logs
8. Grafana administration
- Organizing Grafana
- Migrating to MySQL
- High Availability in Grafana
- Running Grafana behind reverse proxy
- Securing Grafana with SSL certificate
- Troubleshooting Grafana